Friday, August 20, 2010
True or False? Key Control Policy Quiz
True or False?
A facility should appoint a Key Control Authority or Manager to implement, execute, and enforce key control policies and procedures.
True or False?
A policy and method for the issuing and collecting of all keys should be implemented.
True or False?
Only cut keys need to be stored in a locked cabinet or container, in a secured area.
True or False?
A dedicated computer key control management program should be used to track keys, key holders, locations and hardware.
True or False?
Keys should remain the property of the key holder that the keys were issued to.
True or False?
Keys should only be issued to individuals who have a legitimate and official requirement for the key.
True or False?
A requirement for access alone, when access can be accomplished by other means (such as unlocked doors, request for entry, intercoms, timers etc) should convey automatic entitlement to a key.
True or False?
Most keys should be returned and accounted for.
True or False?
Only managers should make sure that keys are safeguarded and properly used.
True or False?
Key deposits are an effective tool for enforcing key control policies.
True or False?
Individuals should store keys in unlocked desk drawers whenever possible.
True or False?
Violations of key control policies should not result in disciplinary action.
Did you know the answers? Did this quiz get you thinking? Call The Key Guy 377-4999 for free consultation, guidance, and solutions for your keys!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
$720 To Unlock Your Car???
A locksmith was recently ordered to provide written estimates BEFORE he did any work by an Anapolis judge. He was using tactics like refusing to give customers' car keys back until they signed the receipt, and charging their credit card BEFORE they knew how much he was charge. And how much was he charging? Sometimes $720 for a simple car lockout.
DO NOT TRUST ANY LOCKSMITH. Make sure they provide you with a written estimate BEFORE you let them touch your property.
And make sure they are a licensed business in Hawaii, because you will have almost NO recourse against them if they scam you. Ask for the legal business name, a business card, and make sure the company name on the invoice matches all of the above!
What's the best way to get scammed? Do you research---and please, please, please find a decent locksmith and program the number into your phone BEFORE you need one!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Victim? Been Scammed?
Click Here!
ALOA has created a 10-point locksmith scam check-list for detecting a locksmith company that may be engaging in this scheme. Many of the items in this checklist are legal by themselves, however, if several are used together, you may be dealing with a con artist:
• Not Familiar with Your Area . To ensure that the company is local, make sure that they are familiar with your area of town .
• "Locksmith Service." Unscrupulous individuals often operate under many business names/aliases. Thus, they must answer the phone with a generic phrase like, "locksmith service." If the call is answered this way, ask, "What is the legal name of your business."
• ALOA Logo. Does the Yellow Pages ad contain a logo that makes them appear to belong to ALOA? While many locksmiths do belong to the Association, some unscrupulous individuals trick the consumer by falsely using the ALOA logo. You can always check to see if in fact these businesses are members by calling ALOA, (800) 532-2562 or .
• Unclear Business Name. Look closely at the ad(s). Is the specific name of the business clearly identified? Does it appear that the dealer actually operates under several names? If a Web address is listed, does the name on the Web site match the name on the ad?
• "Under Same Ownership" This confusing statement, often found in small print at the bottom of a full-page ad in phone directories, give consumers a sense that the firm has been in business for awhile. The statement itself may be a warning sign that the company operates under several aliases. Also, the ad sometimes lists association memberships for organizations that do not exist, (i.e. American Locksmith Association).
• Service Vehicle. Some legitimate locksmiths will work out of a car or unmarked van for quick jobs, but most will arrive in a service vehicle – a van or truck that is clearly marked.
• Identity. A legitimate locksmith should ask for identity and some form of proof that you have the authority to allow the unlocking to be done. You have the right to ask for the locksmith's identification as well. Does he have a business card? Does he have an invoice or bill with the company name printed on it? Does it match the name on the service vehicle?
• Estimate. Find out what the work will cost before you authorize it. Never sign a blank form authorizing work.
• Invoice. Insist on an itemized invoice. You can't dispute a charge without proof of how much you paid and what the payment was for .
• Refuse. If you are not comfortable with the service provider, you can, and should, refuse to work with the locksmith.
Check for a valid state license number (NOT IN HAWAII). The states that have licensing for locksmith services ( AL,CA, IL, LA, NJ, NC, OK, TN and TX ) may require the licensed locksmith company to include a state license number on their vehicles, advertising, and all paperwork. If your state requires licensing, then the technician must show you his/her identity card, which is a good indicator of legitimacy. These licensed locksmiths and their companies have been investigated by the state and found free of criminal activity in their past, and are required to have current valid liability insurance policies in force. States with a licensing law typically have a consumer protection hotline number to call and a mailing address for complaints to be sent to. Do not pay anyone that will not provide you with this information. If your state does not have a licensing law to protect you, ask your legislator for that protection. The Associated Locksmiths Of America (ALOA) supports state licensing for the purpose of protecting the consumer and can assist your legislator in drafting laws to protect consumers from locksmith scams.
Monday, August 16, 2010
My car's locks and/or the ignition was damaged. Should I call a locksmith?
Real-Life Example: There was something wrong with a pickup truck ignition. The man's key wouldn't turn and he had no way of starting his truck. He towed his truck to the dealer for several hundred dollars. The auto technicians completely took apart the ignition before announcing that the entire steering column had to be replaced. And he would have to use a different key for his ignition and doors. Total cost: $900+
The man didn't want to pay that much, so he decided to eat the cost of towing and call a locksmith (he called The Key Guy). When we arrived at the dealer and assessed the situation, we said we could have driven to the man's house and done the work there for mere tens of dollars instead of making him tow the truck for hundreds of dollars. We also could have simply replaced the cylinder in the ignition instead of replacing the entire steering column. He would have been able to keep his same original keys. We didn't charge him anything for driving out to the car dealer, and he said next time he would definitely call a locksmith first.
read the rest of The Key Guy FAQ at
Don't worry, just PROGRAM 377-4999 INTO YOUR PHONE NOW! Don't wait for it to happen to you!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Planning to Remodel/Renovate/Build?
Gotten at least three written estimates for the job?
Verified the licenses of the contractors and any subcontractors
by calling 587-3222?
Checked with the Regulated Industries Complaints Office
for any prior complaints about the contractor by calling
587-3222 (press 1)?
Asked the contractor for references?
Requested a list of subcontractors if any are to be used?
Drawn up a written contract?
Read the entire contract and understood all of its terms and
Purchased performance, material and completion bonds through
the contractor?
Obtained the appropriate building permits?
Seen and understood any plans and blueprints before approving
Periodically checked on the progress of the work?
Gotten lien releases from subcontractors and material suppliers?
Kept copies of all documents and correspondence?
Published a notice of completion in the newspaper once the job
was done?
(This printed material can be made available for individuals with
special needs in braille, large print or audiotape. Please submit your
request to the Complaints and Enforcement Officer at 587-2666)
If you are seriously considering a home remodeling job or thinking of
installing a swimming pool, then you will probably hire a contractor to
do the work.
As licensed contractors have met experience and examination
requirements, and are required to maintain worker’s compensation
insurance and liability insurance, it is wise to insist that the contractor
you hire be licensed. However, because you may be undertaking a
substantial investment, you should do your homework, and enter into
any contract in a “buyer beware” manner.
For inquiries regarding license status, contact:
Phone: 587-3222, (press 1)
For filing complaints against licensed or unlicensed
contractors, contact:
Regulated Industries Complaints Office
Consumer Resource Center
235 S. Beretania Street, 9th Floor
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Oahu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587-3222 (press 2)
Kauai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274-3200
Maui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243-5808
Hilo, Hawaii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933-8846
Kona, Hawaii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329-6684
For complete brochure, go here
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The Key Guy Wins Nationally

“People ask us all the time if The Key Guy is a franchise when they see our beautiful vans,” says Kimberly, “each van is a high-tech locksmith workshop on wheels, equipped with the latest technology and an impressive selection of keys and door hardware. However, when customers see, they instantly recognize they’re dealing with a true family-operated, kama’aina company.” Kimberly created the website and van signage herself. Guy remarks, “I am proud of The Key Guy because we’re branded like a large company but we have the boutique-quality service and expertise of true specialists. I can’t believe we won a national contest!”
Working as a husband and wife team, Guy and Kimberly founded The Key Guy in 2008. Their first van, nicknamed “The Big Green Monster,” was painted green because when Kimberly first met Guy, he was a green-shirted man with green eyes living on Green Street in Makiki. The Key Guy’s mascot is a modern-day superhero bearing a bit of resemblance to Guy, based on the time Kimberly saw him rescue a suffocating baby from inside a locked car at Hanauma Bay.
The Key Guy’s new locksmith shop in Aiea’s Harbor Center complements its award-winning vans. In addition to locksmithing, The Key Guy is also certified in CCTV Cameras, Burglar Alarms, Proximity Card Readers, Access Control, Intercoms, Keypad Locks, Security Systems, Door Operators, and Master Key Systems.
For the contest, The Key Guy competed against locksmiths from across North America and as far away as Japan. The competitors ranged from one-man mobile locksmiths to multi-company corporations. All ALOA members at the convention were invited to vote in the contest. ALOA is the largest and most respected locksmith association in the world.
Associated Locksmiths of America website:
The Key Guy website:
The Key Guy offers 24 Hour Service, Island Wide. Call (808) 377-4999 or toll free 1-877-7KEYGUY